Use your musical talents and skills to praise and lead our church body into the presence of God by joining our worship team. We encourage experienced musicians and worshipers to volunteer.

Worship Team


The worship team seeks to serve the church body by being sensitive to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and by utilizing the musical arts to facilitate worship that leads to genuine engagement with God. Practice is on Saturday mornings; Sundays you are required to be at church from 8:30AM-1PM. You must also be committed to personal practice.


5-6 hours a week, 2 weeks a month


  • 12 months regular attendance in cell and Sundays
  • Must intend to take or have taken EG and attended Encounter 
  • Please check with ministry leads for more specific requirements

Sound Volunteers


The sound team serves to mediate the flow of service by mixing the audio for the worship team and speaker for both in-person and stream worship. Those applying should have an ear for music and attention to detail. Other responsibilities include managing the sound equipment, setting up mics, troubleshooting audio, quality control of the sound for service, and being available for church events with audio needs.


~2 hours a week (includes service times), week-based rotations


6 months regular attendance